There is a constant increase in blood pressure in the approximately ⅓ adult population of the planet. In the risk group of arterial hypertension are people over 40, mainly men. Representatives of the opposite sex also suffer from this disease, but much more rarely and usually at old age. In women, arterial hypertension is usually found after 50 years, during menopause. This is due to the imbalance of hormones in the body due to the termination of the production of sex hormones with the ovaries.
Fortunately, modern medicine has an extensive arsenal of cardiotropic drugs that allow you to control blood pressure in patients, thus preventing the development of cardiovascular disasters, improving the quality of life and prognosis of patients. At the same time, an important role in the effectiveness of treatment is played by the patient's lifestyle, in all cases of the disease is recommended for the rejection of bad habits, reducing body weight, moderate physical activity, limiting the consumption of a table of salt.
This is a persistent increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure above 130 and 80 mm Hg. It can be independent (basic hypertension) and continue within the symptom of other diseases.
Hundreds in a constant change in tension and lose their functions, this affects the work of the entire cardiovascular system. Therefore, it is important, with a constant increase in blood pressure above 130/80 mm, hinse with your doctor or cardiologist for examination and choice of medicines for regular blood pressure control.
Depending on the pressure indicators, 3 degrees of arterial hypertension are distinguished. The first is characterized by an increase in systolic pressure to 160 mm Hg. Art. , Diastolic - up to 100 mm Hg. Art. The second is characterized by indicators up to 180 and 110 mm Hg. Art. , For the third - more than 180 and more than 110 mm Hg. Art. respectively. During the diagnosis, only one indicator is sufficient for the doctor to diagnose arterial hypertension and establish its degree.
The comprehensive list of factors that provoke the disease does not exist, but scientists have been able to establish a direct dependence on arterial hypertension on certain diseases, conditions and habits that they include:
Patients may not experience any symptoms of arterial hypertension, with long -term syndrome, due to the adaptation of blood vessels to the high integers of blood pressure. From the characteristic signs of the disease, headaches, unsystematic dizziness can be distinguished. The "flies" in the eyes, tides, the attacks of a rapid heart rate, nasal bleeding and tinnitus can also be observed.
The listed signs can be more or more pronounced, depending on the individual characteristics of the human body. However, regardless of the extent of their manifestation, in any case it is necessary to seek medical attention to normalize blood pressure, carefully examine and prescribe therapy.
If the pathology is not accompanied by any symptoms, it does not mean that it is not dangerous and does not affect the condition of the vascular walls. In order to detect asymptomatic hypertension in people from risk groups, it is recommended to control the pressure regularly with a tonometer.
With an increase in blood pressure above 140 per 90 mm Hg. Art. , As in the presence of clinical symptoms in the form of headache, shortness of breath, heart pain, nasal bleeding should be caused by an ambulance. The hypertensive crisis as a complication, the condition requiring emergency medical care. In the absence of such, the state can gain a biased life and lead to severe complications and even the death of the patient.
When suspicious symptoms occur, it is first important to visit a therapist or cardiologist. At the initial appointment, the doctor carefully examines the patient, measures blood pressure and collects anamnesis.
The specialist clarifies the necessary information to determine the tactics of examination and treatment. It includes concomitant chronic diseases, medication, poor habits, heredity in cardiovascular disease and physical activity of the patient.
The doctor then prescribes laboratory and instrumental studies. Clinical protocols are recommended to direct the patient to general clinical tests of blood and urine, determination of glucose levels, electrolytes (potassium, magnesium, sodium), lipid profile indicators, creatinine, urea, uric acid, TSH, T3 and T3 andT4 free to evaluate the thyroid function.
It is mandatory to perform electrocardiography, echocardiography, daily monitoring of blood pressure (MAMD). Send your doctor to an ophthalmologist to examine blood vessels. The presence of retinal angiopathy is one of their most important diagnostic criteria for hypertension.
The direction of therapy depends on the degree of arterial hypertension, the severity of the condition, the causes of pathology and other factors. First of all, it is important to change lifestyle: to give up bad habits, to associate regular workouts or long walks in the fresh air and to abandon a large amount of salt. But in most cases, patients need regular use of medicines, daily monitoring of blood pressure.
In some cases, surgery is required (such as removal of neoplasm in the adrenal gland). If the pathological process is secondary (a consequence of a disease), treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease.
The therapeutic regimen has been developed for each patient separately. As a rule, the following therapy agents are used:
There are contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is needed.
All medicines, doses and duration of administration should be determined by the attending physician. Most medicines are released at pharmacies only according to the recipes, as uncontrolled use can cause severe side effects until death.
Clinical recommendations for preventing arterial hypertension are related to the elimination of all existing factors that can provoke the development of the pathological process. First, it is recommended to minimize stressful situations, abandon bad habits, monitor body weight, limit salty, sharp, spicy dietary products, regularly monitor the pressure indicators, especially if there are risks of developing hypertensionrelated to hereditary factor.
If basic hypertension has already been diagnosed, the patient is prescribed antihypertensive drugs for regular administration, followed by blood pressure control. Target blood pressure indicators according to current clinical protocols<130/80 mm Hg